- The terms and conditions stated here apply to services provided by Eco Certificates Pty Ltd and the Client of these services upon the initiation of a service contract between Eco Certificates Pty Ltd and the Client.
- Only Eco Certificates Pty Ltd is capable of modifying these terms and conditions. Terms and conditions in effect in time of contract will stay in effect regardless of current Terms and Conditions employed by Eco Certificates Pty Ltd.
- Client is responsible for provision of Accurate and Legitimate information to Eco Certificates Pty Ltd. Eco Certificates Pty Ltd will deliver its services based upon the information provided by the Client in time of service application and submission of requested documentation.
- Fee Proposals provided by Eco Certificates Pty Ltd are valid for a period of 14 calendar days from the time of their issuance. Further extension of Fee Proposals is negotiable preserving the interests of both contract parties.
- Service Delivery Time will be measured from the time of complete receipt of all requested information by Eco Certificates Pty Ltd as well as 30% initial service deposit. Eco Certificates Pty Ltd will employ its best endeavours to deliver the requested services addressed in the Scope of Proposed Work sooner or equal to Service Delivery Time stated in this Fee Proposal. Eco Certificates Pty Ltd accepts no other liability in addition to the commitments noted.
- Eco Certificates Pty Ltd does not accept, at any time, Terms and Conditions of Service from third parties which are within scope of the Client’s requested services. If either the Client or Eco Certificates Pty Ltd detects any potential direct conflict of interest they must inform the other party in shortest amount of time practicable about nature and scope of the conflict.
- Certificates, Reports, Drawings and other materials requested and agreed upon in the Scope of Proposed Work will become the property of the Client upon receipt of full agreed service fees and rates. They can only be reproduced Verbatim and no modification of any nature is permitted on the delivered material. If modifications to plans and specifications of the project are proposed by the client after delivery of the materials to the Client, an Adjusted and fair Service Fee serving the interests of both parties will be negotiable for submission of modified reports, certificates and other material.
- Upon the receipt of Service Invoice by the Client, the requested and agreed upon fees must be paid by the Client no longer than 7 calendar days from the receipt date. Received Invoices are immediately payable by the Client upon time of receipt. Should 7 days payment period is exceeded, a statutory interest (viz. Reserve Bank Rate plus 2 Percent) is chargeable on outstanding amount in the Service Invoice. An Extension to this period is negotiable upon agreement between two parties. If the client fails to pay outstanding debts and Eco Certificates Pty Ltd is forced to use the services of a debt collection agency, the client agrees to indemnify Eco Certificates Pty Ltd from all cost and expenses of debt collection process as well as the entirety of any future legal action which was taken to collect those debts and resolve the matter via legal procedures. The client agrees to reimburse all legal and service costs introduced to Eco Certificates Pty Ltd as a result of such procedures.
- Fee Proposals and Contracts between the Client and Eco Certificates Pty Ltd are not to be disclosed to third parties by any sides of contract unless when it is being requested by authorized government authorities.
- Eco Certificates Pty Ltd will not disclose the Client’s name and contact information and the information provided by the Client for the development, serves only the purpose of the requested services.
- The Client is responsible for safeguarding and responsible use of delivered material from Eco Certificates Pty Ltd services and only the Client has the license to use the provided material. The Client shall not disclose these materials to entities that might have the potential to reproduce and use the provided material illegally.
- Eco Certificates Pty Ltd shall not be liable for any damage suffered by the Client or any other party resulting from the use of provided materials in the requested services. The Client shall indemnify Eco Certificates Pty Ltd against any third party claims arising from employment of materials in the requested services. After the expiration of one (1) Calendar Year from the date of receipt of the final invoice by the Client, Eco Certificates Pty Ltd shall be discharged from all liability regarding the requested services described in the Scope of Proposed Work.
- If any changes to project’s plan, specification or other characteristics is proposed by the Client, Eco Certificates Pty Ltd preserves the right to amend and adjust Proposed Fees and Rates as well as Service Delivery Time on its own understanding and discretion.
- Upon arise of any dispute between Eco Certificates Pty Ltd and the Client, arising from contracts and agreements between the two parties, this dispute shall be determined by a competent court of law within the State of New South Wales of the Commonwealth of Australia.
- Eco Certificates Pty Ltd services, reports and certificates are according to the nationally enforced Building Code of Australia as well as other mandatory national and state building regulations. Eco Certificates cannot be asked to provide contradicting or fabricated results based on client request or preferences and will always report the most optimised and cost effective solution that can be supplied within the boundaries of building regulations. Upon completion of our study and reporting of our findings, all of our invoices are immediately payable in full regardless of the client’s personal interpretation of fairness or rationality of the building regulations or the study results.
At Eco Certificates Pty Ltd we value the privacy of our clients and partners above everything else. That’s why we are committed to protect your privacy and the personal information you provide us in course of using our services.
The following privacy policy outlines our approach to handling and use of our client’s personal and business information entrusted with Eco Certificates Pty Ltd. This Policy does not apply to actions of companies not owned or controlled by Eco Certificates Pty Ltd or people not employed by Eco Certificates Pty Ltd directly.
Eco Certificates Pty Ltd, thorough the use of ecocertificates.com.au web site and by providing services to its clients collects personal, business and project related information about the clients.
When you provide Eco Certificates Pty Ltd with your mailing address, telephone, fax or email, Eco Certificates Pty Ltd representatives may use this information to inform you of new or modified services and products and special offers and promotions.
We Adhere to Australian Government’s National Privacy Principles contained within the Privacy Act 1998. . The National Privacy Principles establish minimum standards in relation to the collection, holding, use, disclosure, management, access, correction and disposal of personal information about natural persons, including the employees. More information about this policy and your privacy rights can be obtained from The Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner.
When you providing us with your personal or business information, this information will be used in our systems only for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose of your requested services. This information will be filed and retained as it is requested by relevant government scheme code of practice for further auditing.
We will never disclose, sell or share personal information with third parties except when it is necessary to carry out our business as required by law. We will only use your personal information to contact you if we are in business deal with you or we find that we have the information and services that might interest you. Your consent will be sought if we intend to share your personal or business information with a third party.
Eco Certificates Pty Ltd welcomes any questions, suggestions or comments regarding this policy.
This policy may change from time to time. To obtain the latest version of this policy use the relevant link at Eco Certificates Pty Ltd web site. This document represents our privacy policy from 07 September 2018 onward.