Preparing a BASIX Assessment
When we receive initial plans of a project for BASIX assessment the first step is to assign that project to one of our consultants. On the approval email that you received from Gemma, the first project manager of your project is always mentioned. The assigned project manager will then study the plans carefully and ensure that they are suitable for performing a BASIX assessment on the project. The assessment process of a project can be widely different in details based on the type and extent of a project as well as the nature of the BASIX certificate required by the council. The information required for preparation of a BASIX assessment mostly comes in the form of general project details while the information required for a NatHERS thermal assessment is generally in the form of detailed building plans, window sizes and material selection.
Necessary communication for a BASIX Assessment
Eco Certificates offers services to building developers, designers and owners to verify that the most cost effective and applicable set of requirements are addressed during a BASIX assessment. We keep in touch with all members of the design and development team as necessary to ensure the interest of all associated parties are adequately considered in the provisions reflected on the final BASIX certificate. The aim of a successful assessment is to find the fine line between cost, regulatory compliance and project design requirements.
How to prepare your documents for a detailed BASIX Assessment
Generally, preparation of a BASIX assessment requires a well documented set of architectural plans as well as some additional information about the development. A good set of plans for a detailed assessment must be PDF printout plans of the drafting software with correct standard scaling. The plans must be legible, crisp and show the details and annotations of the drafting software with proper accuracy. We have prepared a specific page on our website which details the required BASIX and NatHERS required information for each type of development addressed in the BASIX online tool. Please visit our BASIX and NatHERS information page for details.